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PVC tarpaulin can be used for agriculture, rain water harvesting, fish cultivation etc. Swimming pool fabric can also be used for the preparation of artificial ponds, in places facing water scarcity. Arranging pond liners in the bottom, water can be stored in artificial ponds, which can be used for agriculture, irrigation and rain water harvesting. Fish farming tarpaulin is ideal for urban dwellers and a very easy way to raise your own fish. The mobile ponds are ideal facility for your small scale or commercial fish farming business. Fish, being aquatic animals, are raised in water. Anywhere there is fresh water, fish can be cultured. Over time, besides the natural habitat of fishes, researches have made us understand that some fishes especially catfish are rugged. They can be raised in almost every object that can retain fresh water. However, cultured fishes are raised in a pond. The choice of pond type to use depends largely on factors like land availability, convenience, purpose of raising fish, water resources and scale of production among others.For mobile fish farming tarpaulin ponds and consultancy on how to minimize your cost of production and maximize profit in fish farming. Mobile tarpaulin fish pond is the latest moveable fish pond, it gives room for the intending fish farmer that has no land of their own and those that have no good site for earthen pond can take advantage of this new mobile tarpaulin pond that is preferred to concrete pond system. This new mobile pond grows fish very fast and can be used for fish culture in any environment.
7ft by 7ft by 4ft high (400fishes) 10Ft by 10ft by 4ft high (750fishes)
8ft by 12ft by 4ft high (750fishes)
8ft by 10ft by 4ft high (600fishes)
13Ft by 13ft by 4ft high (1000fishes)
10ft by 15ft by 4ft(1000fishes)
10ft by 20ft by 4ft high (1250fishes)
1. It is non-toxic and non-corrosive.
2. It can hold water for as long as you want.
3. It can easily be removed and carried to another location.
4. Ideal for people who live in rented apartments.
5. The use of the mobile ponds is cheaper compared to concrete tanks.
6. It is an ideal pond for a starter or anyone who wants to start small.
How dependable is fish farming tarpaulin?
Fish farming tarpaulin from is of high quality, affordable and reliable alternative for expensive ponds. With this product, there is no need to put up with high cost and all the inconveniences that come with concrete, earthen, fibre, drums or plastic ponds.
You can easily use galvanized pipe to create a suitable frame in order to have a brand new fishpond, just anywhere you desire.
This type of fishpond is easily movable and does not involve any permanent construction on the land, and is therefore very suitable for tenants who wish to engage their backyard space for fish farming.
Why fish farming tarpaulin are rugged?
– Tough and light weight with high tensile strength; can withstand wear and tear without puncture.
– Non-toxic and non-corrosive to water and fishes
– Durable and long lasting, with virtually no maintenance cost (unlike concrete ponds).
– Less expensive compared to concrete ponds or plastic tanks.
– Jovana Farms rugged pond, unlike plastic tanks, offer larger surface area for oxygen exchange and fish mobility which greatly enhances fish growth.
– Jovana Farms rugged ponds can easily be removed and carried to another location, thereby making it ideal for tenants
– Suitable for small scale fish farming in areas like compound, backyard, garage, garden, school, hotel, etc.
– Ideal for large scale fish farming investments/projects in open fields.
– High degree of customization to suit a variety of farming projects
– Rugged ponds from Jovana Farms are UV-stabilized, and can therefore withstand extreme weather events occasioned by climate change.
– Low height gives you easy access to watch the fishes
– Light colours do not only make it easier to see the fishes, but also beautify your farm.
– Can be used for the farming of shrimps, crayfish, prawns and all tropical fishes including Clarias-gariepinus, Hetero-branchus, Lobsters, Salmon, Hetero-clarias and other catfish species and Tilapia, etc.